One of the loveliest summations of what love is was written by, Arthur Gordon, in his great book, Through Many Windows:
Love…is a shining thing, like a golden fire or a silver mist. It comes very quietly, you can’t command it, but you can’t deny it, either. When it does come, you can’t quite see it or touch it, but you can feel it-inside of you and around you and the person you love. It changes you; it changes everything. Colors are brighter, music is sweeter, funny things are funnier. Ordinary speech won’t do-you grope for better ways to express how you feel. You read poetry. Maybe you even try to write it…. Oh, it’s so many little things. Waiting for the phone to ring, opening the box of flowers. It’s holding hands in a movie; it’s humming a sad little tune; it’s walking in the rain; it’s riding in the convertible with the wind in your hair. It’s the quarrelling and making up again. It’s that first drowsy thought I the morning and that last kiss at night.”
Check out this very interesting write-up on Love and Sex by Joe L. Wheeler.
God designed us to take joy in natural stages, including the natural stages of love.
His plan is simple but beautiful. First, we watch our parents: the love they show us is the love we shall pass on. Second, we experience the love of God, which becomes the catalyst for our philosophy of love. Third, we love the innocent and pure love of childhood-friendship in its most disinterested form. Then there is the love of adolescence. If we preserve our virginity until marriage (God’s plan for us), this teen period will be a time for developing some of life’s stronger friendships. In this time of seasoning, of gradually developing values to live by, there is no place for sexual passion, which can do nothing at this stage but destroy, disillusion, and rob us of one of God’s greatest gifts; coming to the marriage bed as virgins. Adolescence is followed by young adulthood, time for us to be blinded with the rapture of first love; time for us to compare our pasts, presents, and futures, in order to see if we are truly compatible; time for us to see if our families will be compatible-for we do indeed marry families; time for us to discuss God and church and how big a role we would allocate to them. Then and only then are we ready to think seriously about marriage and family. God designed the process to crescendo as the marriage day nears, culminating in a wedding without guilt, stigma, or regrets.
Today’s media leaders seem determined to destroy all of this. They sell us a bill of goods. They tell us, as did the serpent in Eden, that God lies, that instant gratification will make us gods. They tell us that modesty, virginity, purity and integrity are for fools. They tell us that minds and hearts and souls don’t matter at all; all that really matters is self-gratification, gusto. They tell us-over and over and over-that sex has nothing to do with friendship, love, respect, commitment, or being soul mates. Instead, they claim that sex is an acquired skill, like golf or hockey, and the more teachers we have in this respect, the better… There is no magic to love anymore. No hauntingly beautiful, gradual unfolding of the petals of love, leading up to the ultimate full flowering of marriage and a lifetime together. No, in today’s fiction and celluloid portrayals, there are no courtships. There are not even any preliminaries! Boy meets girl, man meets woman, and bam! If the chemistry is ripe-and it apparently almost always is-before the relationship is more than minutes old, before they so much as date awhile in order to see whether or not they even like each other, before they so much as hold hands, before they so much as experience the rapture of that first gentle kiss…before any of this, they are nude and in bed with each other!
God designed marriage, He designed sex and the family unit. Unfortunately, we have corrupted everything and its purpose.
For those that choose to hold on to the truth, I wish them the best. They should stay strong and different
Well said.. it's truly ridiculous how so many people have totally and thoroughly downplayed the importance of sex and even marriage..
Kudos to those still standing strong on their principles.. May you not waver.
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