"Love... is a shining thing, like a golden fire or a silver mist. It comes very quietly, you can't command it, but you can't deny it either. When it does come, you can't quite see it or touch it, but you can feel it - inside of you and around you and the person you love. It changes you; it changes everything. Colors are brighter, music is sweeter, funny things are funnier. Ordinary speech won't do - you grope for better ways to express how you feel. You read poetry. Maybe you even try to write it... Oh, it's so many little things. Waltzing in the dark, waiting for the phone to ring, opening the box of flowers. It's holding hands in a movie; it's humming a sad little tune; it's walking in the rain; it's riding in a convertible with the wind in your hair. it's the quarreling and making up again. it's that first drowsy thought in the morning and that last kiss at night." - Arthur Gordon.
Wow! Do people still love like this these days? I hope so, cos love really is a beautiful thing, and the best part is - GOD IS LOVE...need I say more? Hmm, I know when I'm ready (yep, I said it) my 'story' will read something like this...except the 'walking in the rain' part..cos I just don't get it. Lol.
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